Josh-Charlotte-romantic dinner at chateau challain

Imagine planning your wedding with a 3-day schedule well in advance with lots of people but then having to move it. And then having to move it again.
Josh and Charlotte were not discouraged in the end, however, and decided to confirm their entire program, but dedicating it to just the 2 of them and starting right at the welcome dinner. Thus having simple logistics to manage, they got into their car and enjoyed the drive from London to Chateau Challain.
Here they were able to delight in an extraordinary dinner, prepared by Alexandre Dupré and accompanied only by smiles and the music of a grand piano. Everything was so romantically perfect that even I, shooting for them, took my photographs as unobtrusively as possible. See the photos below to experience some of the magical atmosphere of that September evening.
MUA for Charlotte by Christie Grimm

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